Create the online transition table

A transition table (in automata) is a matrix that specifies the actions that the automaton will take in response to a particular input. Each row of the table represents a state of the automaton, and each column represents an input symbol. The elements of the table indicate the new state to transition to and the action to be taken.

What is the transition diagram?

The transition diagram is a tool used in finite automata theory (FSM) to graphically represent the behavior of an automaton. It consists of a set of states represented by circles, connected by transitions labeled with symbols from the alphabet.

How to create the transition diagram online?

Today, there are various online tools available that allow you to create transition diagrams easily and quickly, such as: Transition Table Generator (SMA).

What is the purpose of a transition table?

The transition table is an alternative representation to the transition diagram that shows the relationship between states and symbols of the alphabet. This tool is useful for describing and analyzing the behavior of an automaton and facilitates the implementation of an automaton in a programming language.

Program to create transition tables for finite automata.

The transition table (SMA) is an alternative representation to the transition diagram that shows the relationship between states and symbols of the alphabet. This tool is useful for describing and analyzing the behavior of an automaton and facilitates the implementation of an automaton in a programming language.

Just like with transition diagrams, there are online tools available to create transition tables, such as: Transition Table Generator (SMA) and JFLAP.

To construct the transition table, you need to enter the pattern and the language in the following fields:
