Jhair parisDeveloper web

Discover the libraries that have helped me create amazing and useful websites and applications


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The Highlights.

Texture of noise for card

Fijas y Picas

Fijas y Picas is a game of logic and deduction that consists of guessing a secret number of four digits, without repeating them. It was implemented in React with two game mechanics, one where you play between two people and another where you play against the machine, in both mechanics the machine knows if you cheat.

Screenshot of Fijas y Picas project
Texture of noise for card


NearbyBusiness is a fullstack with firebase application developed in TypeScript with a home page, authentication system, ability to create products, filtering, and product search. This application allows you to manage and navigate products efficiently and securely.

Screenshot of NearbyBusiness project
Texture of noise for card


Library is an application that reads a .json and optimally presents the books stored in it to users. The development of the application focuses on several key functionalities, such as the effective implementation of features like the ability to filter books by genre and pages, synchronization of the application state and data persistence, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

Screenshot of Library project
Texture of noise for card


JhairGPT is a chat web application built with Angular and TailwindCSS that uses the OpenAI API to provide answers to user queries. The responses are generated by the GPT-3 language model, plus user queries and AI responses are displayed in a real-time chat interface without the need to refresh the page.

Screenshot of JhairGPT project

Who am I?

Continuous-learning | Responsibility | Problem-solving

photo of Jhair Paris

I am a sixth semester Systems Engineering student with solid skills in ReactJS, Angular, HTML5, CSS3 and responsive web. In my last position, I covered front-end development processes using JavaScript and React, focusing on creating user-friendly and interactive web applications.

I am a curious and analytical problem solver with a passion for continuous learning and keeping up-to-date on the latest technologies

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